Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh I do love to be beside the seaside

We are in San Juan del Sur near the NIcaragua/Costa Rican border. It is a beach resort type place. It is like Flores in Guatemala where every house was either a hotel, a restaurant, a laundry, an internet or a shop. I think a lot of people that still live here rent rooms in their homes. We are staying in a place like this. There are two little girls and a puppy playing in the courtyard. I think it is going to be stinking hot. We may cough up the extra $12 for the air con before the night is through....

When you are travelling around here, you get used to the parade of sellers on the buses. I think I mentioned them before. I decided today it might be fun to catelogue them as they came on the bus. Each one stays on the bus for just long enough to make sure every potential customer is served. Often they are on and off before the bus leaves the stop, other times they go a few km down the road to the next stop and presumably catch a bus in the opposite direction home. The other day I said we should get off early in the morning and eat from the bus sellers but, as Charles pointed out, the food is a real crapshoot because you have no idea what is going to turn up.

Here is a list of sellers on the first bus ride this morning (about 3 hours)

tortillas (twice)
bags red and green peppers (three different sellers)
bags of tomatoes (twice)
chicken tacos
soft drinks (twice)
slices of banana bread
pastries (dry as dust -- I tried them yesterday) ...twice
flat round cakes (looked like ginger bread?)
snacks with tacos, cheese and tomato sauce
candy (pink coconut and some really sticky stuff)
candy (five varieties including above plus peanut brittle and two big question marks)

The second bus we took today was the first we have seen that didn´t allow outside sellers and had people on staff which sold cakes and pastries as well as a variety of soft drinks, juice and water.

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